Air Naidu

My Dearest Ones

I was just packing my bags and gearing up to start a whole new 365 days of exciting journey when I realized that my luggage was weighing way above the allocated baggage allowance. I was carrying with me a box filled with all the exciting experiences, a reference tool that decodes the learning from those experiences, a tape filled with all the happy moments, an album with all the old and new relationships, a book filled with refreshingly new thoughts, my vision board, a gratitude rock, and a ‘special gift’ box, each one carrying an equally valuable and justified ‘must have’ tag on it.
I then began sorting out everything on my list into piles of, ‘once in a life time’, seasonal’ and everyday essentials. I was almost done picking and choosing except for one big box, the heaviest of all of them and the ‘most valuable’ of all of them. It was the ‘special gift’ box. It was sent to me from all of you…filled with a few thousand tons of strength, a mighty pillar of support and oodles of love all stuffed into one big ‘Family Pack’.
Although it weighed so much I knew I could never function without it…and guess what?!! As always, a grand plan of action came bolting thro’ from the supreme cognizance. However I would need all your help to execute this plan.
Here’s the plan: I would need each one of you to courier me your share of the gift from the ‘Family Pack’ in installments over the next 365 days.


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