For one more second...

Congratulations! You have been selected as the lucky winner to receive $86,400.
At the stroke of 12’ tonight an amount of $86,400 shall be credited into your bank account.

No hidden taxes! Fair and Easy!

And the clause in ‘small print’ as usual:
You can spend only A DOLLAR at A TIME.
At the stroke of 12’ tomorrow night the balance of whatever you have spent over the day
Shall Be Withdrawn.

Still Easy? Sounds a little unfair right?
Alright, to make you feel a little luckier:
At the stroke of 12’ the day after you account would be credited with $86,400 once again.

Now…this would happen everyday for the next six days.
Now we are talking Business!!!

And you read the last line of the fine print: The Clause! This MAY continue everyday.

With my very first blog and my first time here, I welcome you to the world of Chances, to the world of Uncertainty, to…


Predicted to be the most unpredictable.
The one dimension that has remained an unconquered quest for mankind.

At some point through this journey of a LIFE-TIME, each one of us has had moments of desperation to take a peek into what tomorrow holds in store or had a tear eyed wish to rewind and re harvest the flowerbed of memories from yester years. Despite our inability to hold the moments, we have in COURSE OF TIME fostered within us a determined adamancy to refuse to let go of an unbeatable arrogance to accept this powerlessness.

On the 31st of December 2008 a Leap Second was added to the clocks. When I heard this, I was quite excited and mentioned this to several friends of mine. I had a few pairs of eyes glaring at me trying to spit out, ‘Have you lost your mind? What is the excitement all about, its JUST A SECOND!’ quite contrary to their reaction when I mention finding a dollar lying on the road – ‘Wow that’s a lucky coin!’ It never is ‘Come on, it’s just a dollar’

Google returns 289,000 ways in 0.27 seconds to ‘how to make an extra dollar in a minute.’ How many valid websites do you get when you type ‘How to create an extra minute’?
Despite our inability to create time and our, ‘289,000 and counting’ ways to create wealth we still equate TIME with Money.

When Create(Money) = Infinity
Create (TIME) = Null

Therefore Create(TIME) is not equal to Create (Money)
Could I then assume TIME is not equal to Money?

How come we say ‘Time is money’
What a logically depleted statement.

My Uncle also my mentor, called me one evening and requested me if I could spare some TIME to meet him later that evening. I come from an Indian background where gate crashing is a license given to all those near and dear, the fact that he even had to ask for my TIME sounded odd. I responded with immediate affirmation. Later that evening he said he wanted me to work on a mini project called – ‘Goal Setting.’ The little voice in me went ‘Gracious me, not again, not another wise old man telling me I need to figure out the purpose of my life.’ Now I valued his advice so I heard him out patiently. He asked me to list down all my goals in buckets of career, relationship, financial and social goals for the next ten years. ‘That’s easy’ Ten years is a long time isn’t it?’
He then added: work backwards, break it down to your yearly goals, monthly goals and daily goals measuring ‘in ten years I want to become_____ for which today I need to________’
He asked me how long I would like to take to finish? This sounded so simple, a few excel sheets and I would be done! 2 days I told him. He said take a week, SPEND TIME, it would be worthwhile your investment.

The first step was quite easy. By 25 I believed that I had already figured out what I really wanted to become when I was 40 so a mile stone of 35 was hardly a task. It was the second part of the exercise that I got stumped at. Trying to balance those excel sheets to my daily planner hit me on my head. Suddenly 24 hours in a day was not enough. My 10 year goal plan became 15 as I realized I didn’t have TIME to do everything I wanted to do to become what I wanted to be in the next ten years.

Could I create more time? Fantasies of Time Machines are thrilling.

Every morning our TIME ACCOUNTS are filled with 86,400 seconds. It sounds like a LOT OF TIME only because we take it for granted that although our time accounts deplete to zero balance, the next morning it is going to refill to another 86,400 seconds. Let us get affirmative in our approach here and believe that our Time Accounts are going to be refilled day after day for the next 75 years. Fair enough?!!

Now...that generous serving fills our plates of life with 27,000 days. Of which we spend on an average 7000 days trying to figure out what we ON EARTH are we supposed to be doing. Discounting which gives 20,000 days to learn, work, have fun, raise a family, leave a mark in life and become wise. Doesn’t sound like a lot…of TIME ofcourse. Not a lot, especially when you get to the last 7000 days, and want to say ‘That was exactly what I wanted out of life’



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