A Death Wish

DEATH the most certain destination
LIFE the most uncertain illusion
The mysterious of inevitabilities we fail to uncover
Though mere mortals, we seek to live forever

“When a child is born, no one can predict whether he is going to be a Nobel Laureate or a vagabond. But one thing that can be predicted is that he is going to die. Though death is the only certainty in Life, no one is ever prepared to accept it.”
Swami Suddhananda

It is remarkably heartrending to realize the ignorance of human brain, an astonishingly brilliant chunk of soft tissue that can envisage visions of the world decades ahead, deliberately chooses to ignore the most reliable state of every origin – DEATH

National Geography tells me, the moon so many light years away from me has no air to breath, so I perhaps might have to prepare myself to bring some air to breath along with me, before I get there. But there is no modern scientific media that provides me with a checklist of what I might require to carry along when I die.

This intentional ignorance to uncover the most mysterious phenomenon is perhaps a choice we have made in our vain quest seek immortality.

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